Beach Photos Feb 2004
Beach Photos Feb 2004
Visits: 35896
2004 Giant Snow Man The rain on Sunday morning changed to snow, and was the wettest, best snowball-making snow we had ever seen.  The second snowball was so heavy that two of us couldn't lift it, so we rolled it up a board.  Then we used smaller snowballs to make this giant E
2004 Giant Snow Man
Visits: 35340
2004 September Flood
2004 September Flood
Visits: 35219
Hurricane Isabel Hurricane Isabel
Hurricane Isabel
Visits: 34833
Ice Storm
Ice Storm
Visits: 34107
Winter 2010-2011
Winter 2010-2011
Visits: 32495
Visits: 32105
Stunning Fire Photos
Stunning Fire Photos
Visits: 30867
March 1, 2005 MAJOR SNOWFALL
March 1, 2005
Visits: 28942
2014 Winter Snow The BIG snow of Winter 2014 in Hickory.  

Featuring:  The Snow Panda!
2014 Winter Snow
Visits: 25364
Dark Clouds Dark Clouds Playing Dancing and Having Fun in Sunset near to nightfall
Dark Clouds
Visits: 24495